Blog Articles

Be Proactive For Better Health

See a chiropractor to keep the nervous system free from subluxations, to maintain good structure and to avoid pain and so many chronic conditions.
Feb 3rd, 2020

Healthy Living Habits

Simple lifestyle habits can improve health and stamina for long term benefits.
Feb 3rd, 2020

Do Not Ignore Scoliosis

It is estimated that 5 to 7 million people in the United States are affected by scoliosis. Although there are…
Feb 3rd, 2020

Stand Up For Health

For many students and people in the workplace, it may require sitting at a desk often working on a computer…
Feb 3rd, 2020

Travel Tips For The Summer

George Gershwin famously wrote that “It’s summertime and the livin’ is easy…” Indeed, many of us take time off in…
Feb 3rd, 2020

Stressed Out?

The demands of our modern world provide lots of things to stress out about. Job anxieties, health difficulties, money problems,…
Feb 3rd, 2020

Maintain A Healthy Spine

Countless people are affected by back pain every day. In fact, back pain is among the top reasons for doctor…
Feb 3rd, 2020

National Chiropractic Health Month

October is National Chiropractic Health Month! The mission is to raise public awareness of the benefits of chiropractic care and…
Feb 3rd, 2020

Don’t Irritate Your Nerves

The word “pinch” doesn’t usually bring a smile to our faces. In fact, it probably makes us think “ouch!” A…
Feb 3rd, 2020

Health Tips for 2019

It’s the middle of January…how are those resolutions coming along? Don’t be discouraged if you haven’t succeeded in accomplishing all…
Feb 3rd, 2020

Choosing the Right Workout Shoe

Athletic footwear is meant to prevent injury and optimize performance. Decades ago, the sports shoe consumer had very few options…
Feb 3rd, 2020

Do You Snore?

Have you been waking up feeling tired? Do you have trouble concentrating during the day due to fatigue? Does your…
Feb 3rd, 2020

The Art of Napping

It has been found that incorporating a 10-15 minute nap into your afternoon schedule can improve your overall focus and…
Feb 3rd, 2020

Soluble & Insoluble Fiber

When we think about dietary fiber, most of us think primarily about digestive functions. However, consuming foods high in fiber…
Feb 3rd, 2020

Wearable Fitness Technology

Fitness technology has become increasingly popular. Wearable technology has evolved from simple pedometers and wrist watches to devices that connect…
Feb 3rd, 2020

Nutrition Labels

If you have a clear understanding of the nutritional value of packaged food that you are considering, you can make…
Feb 3rd, 2020

Boost Your Brain Power

Can’t find your keys? Having trouble remembering the name of the restaurant you were at at last month? Perhaps you…
Feb 3rd, 2020

Skinny on Dietary Fat

Believe it or not, you shouldn’t try to eliminate all fat from your diet. Some fats actually promote good health.…
Feb 3rd, 2020

Tips For Stretching

Flexibility is the ability to extend or stretch without breaking. Improving your flexibility is important for preventing injury. It can…
Feb 3rd, 2020

Sleep Deprivation

Far too many Americans don’t get enough sleep. When we feel pressed for time and have too much to do,…
Feb 3rd, 2020

Proper Walking Techniques

Walking is such a great form of exercise for people of all ages. Walking is low impact and can provide…
Feb 2nd, 2020

For Better Heart Health

February marks the observance of American Heart Month (visit @American Heart). All of us can use this month to become…
Feb 2nd, 2020

Don’t Be a Slouch!

“Sit up straight!” Most of us probably had parents and teachers direct that timeless bit of advice to us as…
Feb 2nd, 2020

Stretch Every Day And Avoid Low Back Pain

A great way to prepare for your day is with three simple stretches in the morning. Exercises to reduce low back pain are not complicated and can be done at home without any special equipment.
Feb 2nd, 2020
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